Q: What operating system does BTField run on ?
A: Windows 10, 64-bit, with .NET Framework 4.7.2 or higher.
Q: How much RAM do I need to run BTField?
A: It depends on how big your datasets will become. Some Marine configurations of BTField can collect several gigabytes per survey while also running real-time functions. These systems often use anywhere from 16 GB to 64 GB of RAM. In smaller terrestrial configurations, only 8 GB of RAM may be needed.
Q: What kind of data does BTField acquire and/or process?
A: BTField can be configured to consume data from almost any EM sensing platform, as long as the acquisition data stream format is known. BTField has currently been configured to acquire data from the
Gap EOD UltraTEM and SubTEM family of advanced EM sensing platforms
. Additional platforms can be configured for direct acquisition as data stream formats become known. If the acquisition stream format is not known, most systems can still export a data file for post-posting. For example, BTField can import and post-process static and dynamic file data from the MetalMapper, MPV, and TEMTADS 2x2 platforms.